Kamis, 30 September 2010

RI Government Property

The assets of the government of Indonesia in the first six months until the first half of 2010 reached Rp Rp 619.47 trillion, increasing 178.29 trillion compared to the end of December 2009 to reach Rp 441.18 trillion.

Similarly, the Central Government Financial Statements The first semester of 2010 (unaudited) issued by the Minister of Finance Agustin Martowardojo, on Thursday (09/30/2010).

The assets of the government to increase as the amount of assets continued to increase to USD 2312.65 billion until the end of June 2010. Total assets rose to Rp 189.76 trillion in 6 months, in December 2009 because the government's total assets reached USD 2122.89 trillion.

Even so, until June 2010, total government liabilities also noted to increase to Rp 11.48 trillion to Rp 1693.18. Compared with the obligation at the end of December 2009 which amounted to USD 1681.7 billion.

Total liabilities increased is for long-term liabilities amounting to USD 1580.97 trillion, an increase over the end of December 2009 which amounted to USD 1493.86 trillion. While the number of short-term liabilities decreased from Rp 187.83 trillion in December 2009 to Rp 112.206 trillion in June 2010.

(dnl / Qom)

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Sell Agro Business

On the sale of maize

Sell Fresh Fish Milkfish


cracker agent kemplang palembang

agro: Sell Palm Shell

Sell tortoise

Ants Nest Sale

Sell Red Fruit

Fragrant, Bengawan Bramo

BCI male boa for sale

Sell Bird Nest Swallow

Sell Pure Essential Oils

Sell Palm Sugar Powder

Sell Fresh Fish Milkfish

Sell Cheap Gecko

Gecko Information Buy

Want to Sell Gecko

How to Maintain Gecko

Sell Low Price Gecko

Sell Gecko

Buyer Gecko


Buy Gecko

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Characteristic feature of The merged - Habits of Successful People

Success stems from the mental. You may be poor but if you believe that you can be successful, then that's what you want to achieve. Similarly, on the contrary, if someone born rich, but do not have a mental success, then later he could lose one's shirt.
No matter what the profession of your work now, whether low-ranking employees or the boss though, you can achieve success by developing the 50 habits of this success. However, remember also that the measure of success is not money, but the mental content itself.
1. Search and find opportunities where others when others fail to find it.
2. Successful people see problems as learning the material rather than mere difficulties.

3. Focus on solutions instead of wallowing in the problem. 4. Create their own successful path with the existing thinking and innovation. 5. Successful people can feel afraid, but they then control and overcome them.
6. They ask the right questions, so that confirms the quality of mind and a positive emotional. 7. They rarely complain. 8. They do not blame others, but take responsibility for their actions. 9. They always find a way to develop their potential and use it effectively. 10. They are busy, productive, and proactive, rather than go alone.
11. They are willing to adapt to nature and other people's thinking. 12. They have the ambition or the spirit. 13. Know exactly what you want. 14. They are innovative and not plagiarism. 15. They do not put off what is there.
16. They have the principle that life is a never-ending learning process. 17. They do not consider ourselves perfect and so willing to learn from others. 18. They did what they should be, not what they want to do. 19. They want to take risk, but not reckless. 20. They confront and resolve problems immediately.
21. They await the arrival of luck, or chance. It is they who created it. 22. They acted even before the ordered / requested. 23. They were able to control your emotions and be professional. 24. They are skilled communicators. 25. They have a plan and try to make it a reality.
26. They became great because they vote for it. 27. They succeeded through hard times that usually make others surrender. 28. They know what matters to them and do the best they could. 29. They have balance. They know that money is only a tool, not everything. 30. They understand well the importance of discipline and restraint.
31. They feel safe because they know they are valuable. 32. They are also generous and kind. 33. They are willing to admit mistakes and do not hesitate to apologize. 34. They are willing to adapt to change. 35. They maintain the body's health and performance.
36. They are diligent. 37. Ductile 38. They are open and receptive to input from others. 39. They remain happy in the face of tidal life. 40. They do not mix with the wrong people or destruction.
41. They do not waste time and emotional energy to something beyond their control. 42. They are comfortable working in a place that exists. 43. They set high standards for ourselves. 44. They did not question why they failed but learned the lesson from it all. 45. They know how to relax, enjoy what there is, and be able to have fun in even carelessness.
46. Their career is not who they are, it's just a job. 47. They are more interested in what works rather than on what is easy. 48. They finish what they started. 49. They realize that they are not the only sentient beings merely, but also spiritual beings. 50. They perform on what they say.
So, if there are some habits that have become part of your life today! If there is, develop it, and add your odds of success by doing the other.
Remember, success does not belong to people who never fail, but belongs to those who never give up

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Tricks Success in Business and Family

Cari Peluang Usaha
Yanti is finishing a bag orders at his workshop, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta. While working Yanti also help their children do school work

Independence of women in building a business can be proved by the mother. One of them by processing plastic waste into products Trashion. Community care for the environment that most housewives have been running since 2007.
Heryanti Sima (40) which was familiarly called Yanti is the originator of the idea of plastic waste from household waste. By inviting the housewives who live in the area of Pasar Minggu, Yanti develop business opportunities as well as alternative environmental solutions.
Environmental issues are a concern to Yanti. Before the blaze idea of plastic processing into various products handbags, purses, umbrellas and other, earlier Yanti bringing the environment to be a winner Jakarta Green & Clean in 2007 and 2008. Yanti is a residential area full of greenery. Trees dominate the lane along the place of residence. More 'green' again with his famous Trashion products to other countries.
Business Trashion Yanti transmitted to the community housewife in a number of points in Jakarta. Currently there are about 60 people active partner of the community Trashion. The mother would be empowered with a simple skill. For Yanti, become an independent woman and mother in the family, requires a balance of roles.
The mothers can be pocketed from Rp 7,000 to make coin purse handmade from plastic waste material. To help the process of collecting raw materials and washing (clean plastic from the remaining soap), the mothers also get benefits from Rp 3,500 to Rp 5,000 per kilogram. This is the economic impact of household plastic waste.
Even so, the mothers who do business are often faced with domestic and family affairs. Yet this independence womenfolk could become an additional income or even a major in the family.
"Not a few mothers who finally halted its activities. There is also the difficulty to share time with family and finally prioritize the family rather than business," said Yanti told Compass Female.
Initial agreement with the family, especially her husband could be one form of balance. Yanti claimed that he was including a typical active women who can not just keep quiet. Creativity, ideas and encouraging mimpinyalah Yanti to empower themselves and their environment. In running the business Trashion example, Jackie often leave the family for three days.
"Invitation to provide experience and skills of recycling plastic waste comes from anywhere," said Yanti who claimed to have been shared with the mother in Makassar, Yogyakarta, Solo to Gorontalo to transmit Trashion.
Yanti share the tricks of balancing her role as mother and businessman.
Couples appreciate each other The issue became the main foundation appreciate couples in maintaining family harmony, especially when both are working. In this case, both husband and wife couple free to make choices. Knowing his wife is very active and creative, Nuryatim (43) Yanti freeing her husband from work. Condition, Yanti must bring their children.
This requirement is widely understood and communicated. Yanti chose business as the only chance for self-actualization with the freedom of time for families, especially children. This option is mutually agreed on the basis of mutual respect for couples. Shape is another award, both wife and husband, regardless of the high income respective results, agreed to be the money together.
Priority on family Duties outside the city makes Yanti often have to leave her three children. With initial commitments, do business and make family a top priority, making Yanti able to overcome this problem. The problem is often a trigger conflict admitted that his wife's business partner. According to Yanti, back to the individual consciousness. As a mother, although separated by distance a child, Jackie every morning to make sure his son was up and went to school. This activity does not necessarily become the demands of the husband and not be a burden for him. If the product order booming, and Yanti had to intervene to help employees, the children were invited to sit down with homework from school. Working while helping children learn.
Building trust Positioning himself as a businessman and mother and wife with right and good. That is, how to behave, speak, behave towards others in connection with business affairs of the major key. With this mental attitude Yanti feel confidence building within the family, children and husband.
"Family is providing support for my activities as a businessman. They do not sue me, do not ban my activities, that form of support," said Yanti.
By the way, Jackie dream can continue to develop business and achieve his dream, opening a gallery in Bali. According to him, Bali became the most effective place to promote local products to global markets. Empowerment and self-reliant, create employment and to force the mother to raise three children.
Source: Kompas.com

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Doctors Successful Gardening

Retired Surgeon Durian Five Successful Farming Her So People from Durian Results
Proud and happy. Maybe THAT is felt Suparno, 75, and his wife, Siti Salami, 62. Retired surgeon Hospital Pandan Arang Boyolali've got what it aspired.

IN old age, still looks fresh Suparno fit. To fill his old age, almost every day spent in the garden area of 2 haktare. In his garden, he cultivate the land that could be considered fertile.

It shows various types of plants can thrive in the garden Suparno. When> RADAR SOLO <> Well <, in the rainy season now, his face looked sumringah Suparno. Because, nine duriannya trees bear fruit all. Duriannya tree ages vary. There are already 40 years old and there is also a new 6 years and 7 years. Although there is still a relatively young age of the tree, this time the existing durian trees to bear fruit all. "Look at that, Mas, a new tree 6-year-old already bear much fruit," said resident Singosari RT 05 RW 02, Mojosongo, Boyolali, this meant pointing durian tree. Indeed this year to be a blessing for Suparno. The reason, every young durian trees to bear fruit at least 100 seeds. What is the age of the trees already tens of years, per tree can produce 500 seeds durian. Each time you harvest, Suparno able to make money at least USD 15 million. He's not hard to sell duriannya. He said, every time the durian harvest big traders from the city would come to buy them. Thus, each harvest he only saw net sales results. Proceeds from sales of fruit duriannya, just enjoyed alone with his wife. Because, after her children - which amounted to 5 people - already> orders yet <(married), all residing outside the region. "In the past, durian harvest is to pay for school and college our children to become people. Now no, Mas. All our children are married and have a steady job. So the results of this durian farm we enjoy themselves with his beloved wife, hehehe, "said Suparno with sumringah face. Her son is a teacher, doctor and staff state-owned enterprises. This is what makes him and his wife feel happy and enjoy his old age lived while supervising the children and grandchildren of kejahuan. "Yes, my wife and I feel proud of what we've achieved so far," said retired civil servant was Suparno and wife feel happy and proud not only because the children were established hidupnya.Namun, there are other things that make he and his wife itu.Apa meras more than that. Sir? "Despite old age, I still trusted the government to contract workers in hospitals Pandan Arang about 6 years old," said Siti Salami's husband. (Nar) Source: www.radarsolo.net

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

How to Make a Side Business

You want to look for opportunities

You want to look for side business
It's easy to live a
goods or services that you want marketed
You want to market their goods and services
Just make it ad free

» » Industri Niaga Online
Cari Peluang Usaha
Write the goods or services that you want to sell

Can be self-owned, family-owned, owned by friends

or other

write soon .....

good luck

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